Version de siège. Cardini F 1993

Date: 1993
Auteurs: Cardini F, Marcolongo A
Titre: Moxibustion for correction of breech presentation: a clinical study with retrospective control. Am J Chin Med 1993;21(2):133-8
Mots clés: breech, version, siège, Bl-67, V-67, moxibustion, Zhi Yin
Contribution: article
Abstract: In this study we treated a group of women during pregnancy by moxibustion on point 67 B (Zhiyin), to obtain inversion of fetuses in breech presentation. Comparison is made with a control group drawn retrospectively from clinical files at a regional hospital. The aim of the study is to identify the ideal population (in terms of parity and gestational age) to be included in a randomized controlled trial.


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